Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of a direct primary care membership?

Members get priority same day or next day sick visits, unlimited consults, and have access to the provider through email, text, and the secure patient portal. Members also get discounted labs and free lab draws. All functional medicine services are included in a membership, including any functional medicine lab testing. Patients love the increased access and the relationship that is formed through the direct primary care program. Research shows that DPC improved patient outcomes and reduced ER visits.

What functional medicine labs do you use?

At Wellness Redefined we use a variety of different functional medicine labs from several different lab companies. A few of the most commonly used labs include the GI Map by Diagnostic Solutions, Total Tox Burden by Vibrant Wellness, Adrenocortex Stress Profile and NutrEval by Genova Diagnostics, IGG Food MAP by Mosaic Diagnostics and MANY MANY more.

Do you offer functional medicine consults for pediatrics?

Yes, we offer consults as well as memberships for pediatric patients. The most commonly seen pediatric issues include eczema, ADHD, GI complaints include constipation and reflux, and immune system issues.

Can I use my insurance for labs?

Insurance may be used for conventional lab testing through LabCorp. Most of the functional medicine lab testing is not covered under insurance, but you can use health savings accounts to help cover these costs.